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Congratulating Scholars

We congratulate St. Mary's Secondary School graduates and notify them of their scholarship.

 — 2 min read

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Today, some of our group went with Don to go and congratulate 3 of the St. Mary's Secondary School graduates. We went to their homes and gave them notice that they will be receiving a scholarship to go to college for free. We would give them stipends every month as well as cover tuition and boarding fees. We would also give them a laptop to use for their studies.

We went to 3 homes. The first one was Erica who was the top student in the class. She was very grateful and told us that she would be studying to become an electrical engineer.

The second was Praise who was studying to become a lawyer. Herself and her mother hearing about this news were very happy. Her mother was so happy that she started to cry. She told us about the family situation and how she was struggling to pay for her daughter's education. Praise's father had abandoned them recently and it was difficult for her mother to take care of her and her siblings.

The third was Glory who was studying to become a economist. She was also very grateful and told us that she would be studying hard to make the most of this opportunity. She was an orphan and was living with her uncle. Her uncle was very happy to hear this news and told us that he would be supporting her in any way he could.


It was such a privilege to get to be a part of this moment in their lives. I was so happy to see the joy in their faces and the hope in their eyes. I have no doubt that they will do great things in the future. I am so proud to be able to meet these young scholars.

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